Coppers are one thing, but Traffic cops are a bigger waste of space. Even the most sympathetic towards the police should be forced to admit that these people are slime, the scum of the earth. And then you get these speeding coppers completely let off the hook for speeding 3 times the limit and the everyday nobody gets three points and a fine for going a few mph over. Anybody in denial of the fact that these people are scum, watch traffic cops if you are in the UK it will all become clear.
Sam the Man
JoinedPosts by Sam the Man
Sam the Man
I think the problem here is that we are discussing policing in all countries. I am sure that coppers are of some use in America, and I am sure they are completely useless in a place like Mexico. Here, let me tell you, they are about as much use as a nun in a brothel.
Sam the Man
Yeah, of course I have love. Run along.
Sam the Man
Besides that, who are you to say that I didnt help the police, and that I witnessed the filth go through the traffic with sirens on just once? You complete fool, run along to your husband or whoever and keep telling yourself that he does a good job... oh doesnt he look cute in that little uniform.
Sam the Man
Your views on our wonderful police force make me sick, and are more bias and one sided than mine.
Sam the Man
For your information Ellie before my hatred of the Police I was beaten senseless by somebody and let me tell you something the Police didnt lift a finger to help me. And as for calling 999 when somebody is in my house, you obviously didnt read the report on that pensioner who called 999 when a scumbag was in her house and you know what? They turned up ONE HOUR later. A friend of mine was being robbed, he called the police, they said that they would be there 'when they can'. Then he rang again, and said he had shot the intruder. You know something? They were round in 2 minutes flat. And dont even get me started on the amount of times I see the filth put the sirens on to get through the traffic on their way back to the station (and I live near the station and walk my dog and see this with my own eyes) But sure, not all coppers are bad, but the majority are bloody idiots.
Iraq abuse 'as bad as Saddam era'
by Simon inwell, thank god we went in there eh?
obviously, it was to stop abuse (after the previous excuses fell through).. now that things are as bad as under saddam, i guess that puts the final nail in the lie that they went in to help the people (you know, after their previous lie fell through).. is anyone still under any illusion that bush, blair and co. give a shit about the people or are competent enough to organise anything other than a complete fuck up?.
Sam the Man
To that, I ask, why is it unlawful for Saddam to kill innocent civilians but it is right, or excusable, for the American led invasion to do the same thing?
Sam the Man
Thanks for your responses. Sorry I work long days and since last night have been unable to return to the board. The reason for asking is that there seems to be an increasing of hatred towards the police in the UK, as it slowly evolves into a Police State. You get hammered for everything, and the boys in blue are there but only when it suits them. I'll give you an example, the other day I reported a crime and the filth wanted to know more about me than about the people committing the crime. Its the same with motorists... we get hammered left, right and center. Traffic cops are the worst kind of scum. And isnt it funny how the coppers hate it when one of their own gets killed but when its an ordinary guy they dont give a shit? This is Blairs Britain. Maybe the death of that policewoman gunned down is JUST AS BAD as the death of every innocent pedestrian that the police have killed behind the wheel (there has been a 40% rise in Police caused traffic deaths since last year) And then an elderly gentleman down the road from me had a knock on his door by the filth over the weekend and they wanted to check his emmission levels, he let them, his levels were ok, so they done him on low tyre pressure instead. Scum of the earth in my book.
Something I want to tell you apostates
by LeftBehind ini want you to know that you have destroyed a family because of your lies about jehovah and his organization.
a family member went apostate and has turned his back on jehovah.
he told us he is never coming back and i know he went and visited internet sites.
Sam the Man
lol Jeannie
OK Guys... Your help neede and appreciated!
by Mastodon inok, so in about 3 weeks, our best friend is coming to stay with us for a month.
she is still a dubbie but she was recently reprimanded and her family is making her life a living hell.
they are making her literally feel like shit.
Sam the Man
Just make up some excuse and say she cant come. Easier all round I'd say. Sorry if thats useless information but thats what I'd do. Why stress?